The ESE service crashes and does not restart. Scheduled backups are missed.
Versions 22.8 and 22.9 of the ESE backup agent included an updated Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This version of JRE causes the ESE service to crash erratically, leading to missed backups.
To resolve this, we released an updated version of the agent (v22.10) which rolls back the JRE to 11.0.14. Agents will be able to automatically update to this version from 7 October 2022 15:30 GMT. The installer can also be downloaded manually from our v22.10 downloads page.
To ensure the agent is updated, please do one of the following:
1. Ensure that the agent updates automatically. If the Redstor Pro ESE service is not currently running, you will need to re-enable it first. Alternatively, a manual agent update can be initiated from the Help menu in the agent interface.
2. Manually download and install the latest agent version from our downloads page. This will not remove any existing configuration and will not require a reboot.
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