It's possible to do a Full System Restore in OVF format with VMDKs, but this disk format is not supported by VMware’s vSphere client. Instead, VMWare’s command-line OVF Tool can be used to deploy the OVF package.
For example, the following command will deploy the OVF at D:\ovfrestore\ovf.ovf (the disk files will be located in the same folder as the OVF file):
ovftool -ds=Datastore1 D:\ovfrestore\ovf.ovf
This command specifies the following parameters:
- Connect to a VMware hypervisor at ‘’ using the credentials ‘username’ and ‘password’.
- Store the VM data files in datastore ‘Datastore1’.
- Deploy the VM to ‘Host1’ in cluster ‘Cluster1’ in datacenter ‘Datacenter1’.
Download and full documentation for OVF tool can be found here:
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