If you make use of Archiving to save on storage space (e.g. storing 2TB of data on a 1TB drive) and you need to recover the archived data after a ransomware attack or other issue, follow the steps below to restore the files as stubs. This will prevent ESE rehydrating the files instantly and potentially overfilling the restore target. (By default, ESE will rehydrate any files that do not meet the requirements for Archiving.)
These steps can also be used if an InstantData restore was interrupted due to a power failure or other issue, disrupting the creation and rehydration of stubs.
Note: ESE Archiving manages the life cycle of stub files. It will keep track of which files it stubs and inform the Storage Platform. This ensures that stub data on the Platform will not be removed.
To migrate to a smaller machine using InstantData and stubs:
- Enable Archiving for the Group in question.
- On Machine A, which has the relevant ESE Account installed and Archiving configured, run a Full System Backup. Make sure the Account is being mirrored.
- Uninstall the ESE Account from Machine A to ensure it does not confuse Archiving or patch chain processes.
- Install the ESE Account on the smaller Machine B, configuring the backup selection and Archiving selection to requirements.
- Choose either Option (a) or (b) to complete the migration:
Option (a):
- Data that has NOT been archived: migrate to Machine B
- Data that HAS been archived: restore as stubs to Machine B
Option (b):
- Restore all data as stubs to Machine B and let the files rehydrate as they are used.
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