To deploy an ESE agent for a Linux machine, watch our video or follow the steps below.
The video below shows Ubuntu, but our ESE agent works on a variety of distros, which you can find listed in our System Requirements and Compatibility Matrix.
1. Before you can deploy an agent, you will need to create the folder that will contain it.
To do this, go to the relevant Machines folder in the RedApp and click Deploy at the top right.
2. Select Linux as the operating system and keep the default settings unless otherwise preferred.
Note: Full System Backup is not supported for all distros. See our System Requirements and Compatibility Matrix for a list of what is supported (check the ESE and FSR/Azure tabs).
3. Generate or create an encryption key and save it securely as you will not be able to recover without it.
More detailed deployment instructions can be found in Article 1311.
4. Download the installer to the machine you want to backup. The installer file is valid for 48 hours and can be used on unlimited machines.
5. On the Linux machine, first run:
sudo chmod +x <installer file name>
6. Then run:
sudo ./<installer file name>
The agent will now be installed on the machine, and the machine will be listed in the RedApp.
7. To access the graphical user interface (GUI) of the ESE agent on the Linux machine, run:
sudo backupprogui
From the GUI, you can run your first backup by clicking Backup at the top left.
You can customise the agent's settings, such as remote tunnel access, by going to Options on the top bar.
Certain settings can also be customised using the command-line, as shown in Article 1015.
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