It is not currently possible to delete certain cloud service backup accounts from the RedApp. In these cases, you will need to request account deletion from Redstor Support.
To do this, follow the steps below.
- Log a support ticket through the AI assistant in the RedApp, or through the Support Portal.
- A Technical Support Agent from Redstor will share a .csv file with you containing a list of your accounts. On this spreadsheet, mark the accounts that are to be deleted with an 'X' in the 'ToBeRemoved' column.
- Return the spreadsheet to the Support Agent either via email or by uploading it to the ticket through the Support Portal.
- You will now be asked for a second written confirmation of your deletion request, as deletion will permanently destroy the backed-up data. By confirming, you approve that the Support Agent may proceed with your deletion request, and you further indemnify Redstor against any claims related to the destruction of the backup data for these accounts.
- The Support Agent will acknowledge your confirmation and lodge the request internally for execution. The account deletion will occur within five (5) business days from this response.
- Once the deletion has been executed, the Support Agent will provide you with confirmation. You are encouraged to check the RedApp to ensure that the changes reflect as requested.
Note: There is a 336-hour window during which deleted accounts may be undeleted from soft-deleted state. Further information on this available in Article 1499 - How to recover a deleted backup account.
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