All archived or stubbed files can be rehydrated in one go as long as there is enough disk space available.
To do this:
1. In your ESE agent, click on the Archive button on the top bar.
2. Click on Show advanced options.
3. Select Rehydrate all stubs and click Start rehydration.
Bear in mind that the original files will take up much more space than the stubs. While rehydrating stubs, the Agent will continuously monitor the available disk space, and abort when the threshold (default 1 GB) is reached. To make changes to this threshold, see Article 1496.
Note: Files that are rehydrated in this way will be re-archived when the next backup runs if they remain within the speficied Archiving parameters. If you do not want these files to be archived again, you will need to adjust your Archiving configuration (as described in Article 1073) before starting rehydration.
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