Consider a low bandwidth scenario and a backup account containing millions of files. When you launch InstantData on such an account, it can take very long (more than an hour) to download the index before InstantData can be used.
Fortunately, InstantData has the ability to use the indexes stored with the ESE Agent. To do this:
- Launch InstantData from the Console or by using using a shared InstantData URL.
- When the InstantData agent opens automatically, close it so that you can relaunch it manually with parameters.
- Locate the InstantData agent, typically in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Redstor Backup Pro\InstantData\<version> where <version> is the SP version.
- Locate your ESE Agent history folder (it can be found in the working folder which is specified under the 'Disk Usage' option in ESE), typically C:\ProgramData\Redstor Backup Pro\Backup Client ESE\data\history.
- Open a command prompt on the InstantData folder referred to above, and launch InstantData.exe as follows:
InstantData.exe data="C:\ProgramData\Redstor Backup Pro\Backup Client ESE\data\history"
This will instruct InstantData to use the local ESE indexes rather than downloading them from the Storage Platform.
In the 'Server' field in InstantData, it is possible to enter either the AccountServer address, the StorageServer address and port or the MirrorServer address and port (in which case it will restore the file from the MirrorServer).
Note that for very large structures it may take a while to open the first level of the disk, i.e. D_. This is when the index file is being processed to allow quick browsing. If for some reason Explorer complains, just re-open the root folder.
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