The Encryption Key Checker is a simple Redstor utility that validates an account's encryption key and displays the result.
Download it here.
How to use the utility (checks one Account at a time)
- Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file and run the "EncryptionKeyChecker.exe" file.
- Enter the AccountServer address in the Account Server field
- Enter the full path (from collection to group) of the Account in the Group\Account field
- Enter the encryption key in the Encryption Key field
- Click Validate
Once the Account has been validated, one of these results will be displayed in the Checker's window:
- Encryption Key Validated - in green
- Encryption Key or Account Name Not Valid - in red
- Other errors, such as the Account Server not being found, will also be reported
How to use the utility command line (checks multiple Accounts)
- Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file.
- Create a comma-delimited text file containing the list of Accounts. The format for each row should be as such:
[AccountServer],[Collection\Group\Account name],[Encryption key]
- Run the utility from the command line as follows:
EncryptionKeyChecker.exe -scriptmode -sourcefile=[input file] -outfile=[output file]
Example: EncryptionKeyChecker.exe -scriptmode -sourcefile=C:\Temp\ListOfAccountsToCheck.csv -outfile=C:\Temp\ListOfResults.csv
Once all the keys have been validated, the output file will indicate the result for each Account, for example:,Demo\BobWin10,enigma123,Encryption Key Validated,Demo\CharlieWin2008r2,password,Encryption Key or Account Name Not Valid
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