1. We now offer backup and recovery of Xero accounting software through our marketplace.
- This includes support for accounts, transactions, contacts, invoices, quotes, and much more.
- See Article 1137 for a full list of supported features, or follow the steps in Article 1310 to get set up.
- Please note: While we are in the process of being certified with Xero, the number of organisations that can be connected will be limited.
2. We have improved the user experience of accepting our terms and conditions.
- Marketplace users will no longer be prompted to accept the T&C on the web app if they have already accepted on the marketplace.
- Classic users of Redstor's software that have not yet accepted the T&C will be prompted on login to read and accept the T&C before continuing.
- Once the the T&C are accepted, the user will not be prompted again unless the T&C have been updated. Whenever an updated version of the T&C is released, all marketplace and classic users will be prompted to accept the new version.
3. When backing up machines, it's now possible to configure a folder's roll-up settings.
4. We have made a number of improvements to the Machines view.
- The column selection has been moved into a drawer, which will also group the columns by category.
- Badges have been added to the table headers to indicate their category. These badges can be collapsed by clicking on them.
- Empty state images will now be displayed for cards that don't yet have data to render.
- We have also improved the empty state images for the various Cloud services.
- The column selection has been moved into a drawer, which will also group the columns by category.
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